Good afternoon friends and family of Kindy One,
Welcome to the first day of Spring and the first day of a new month, September. How exciting as its only 4 months until Christmas and 3 Months until graduation for our young Pre-schoolers. This morning we had enjoyed exploring the Kindy one room with our friends from both Kindy rooms, due to the smoke outside which is across the Gold Coast area. We hope everyone is staying safe, from the smoke. Throughout the morning we had enjoyed the marble run, exploring home corner and many children enjoyed looking and reflecting on the floor book. This book contains all our wonderful events which occur throughout the year at Riversdale. Many of the children love looking at the photos and thinking of all the wonderful activities we do on each event day.
To celebrate the first day of Spring we have decided to do a painting full of different colours and using flowers as out paintbrushes. The children loved using the flowers and dipping them into different colours to make a colourful rainbow on their page. We had also made some butterfly’s using the paint and folding the paper in half and once we unfold it and open the paper it shows a colourful rainbow. During this time, we had also made some kites which was a spontaneous activity from all the children. They enjoyed designing their own kite and placing some string on the end of it to make it fly. When we go into the yard we will try and fly the kites high in the sky. Some other children had enjoyed using the number and letter flash cards to play a game of memory. This was lots of fun, many children enjoyed this. Once we packed around all our activities, we all sat around the table to watch Mr Andrew fill 4 jars up with water halfway. While he had been filling the jars up, we had spoken about the Daisy flower, which consisted of the stem, and petals. Once Mr Andrew had returned, we placed some drops of different colours in each jar. The first jar consists of yellow; second jar is red; third jar is blue, and the last jar is green. We can’t wait to see what happens, as we hope our predictions is right… let’s check in tomorrow and see how they’re going.
This afternoon we hope to continue water play outside and practice our target throwing using our underarms. We also hope to continue our smalls books we have been making over the last two weeks. We would like to apologies for no photos as the sim-card is still being silly and we hope to have it working by the end of them week. Happy Educator Day to all the wonderful educators in our centre!
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess