Welcome to the Thursday blog for the Kindy one classroom.
First of all a big Happy Birthday to Floyd who turned 5 yesterday! We had a little dance party in the afternoon to celebrate.
Today was filled with lots of fun planned activities and some exciting spontaneous moments. Kite making is a popular activity at the moment and the children were amazed when Arlo brought in his own kite from home. We tested it out in the paddock next to the Kindy and Mr Andrew managed to get it flying nice and high when the wind picked up. The children let out lots of “oooh’s” and aaaaa’s” as it flew through the sky. We plan to try again later in the afternoon and hopefully the wind is up.
Our other big planned activity was trying to guess the object from a zoomed in photograph. The children enjoyed doing this with animal pictures yesterday and today we extended it to objects and fruits. This activity requires lots of observation and critical thinking skills to look at the picture and decipher the visual clues. There were some interesting responses and we will put this activity in their learning journals for you to see when you next pick these up.
We also had the Arakan martial arts session today where the children could practice their fast reactions skills in different catching, pointing and striking games.
Other popular activities today included:
- clay sculpture molding – building fine motor skills in our hands cutting, molding, and manipulating the clay into different things
- marble runs – building wooden tracks for the marbles to roll down, practicing trial and error to make the track work
- bean bag target games – landing bean bags into buckets
- Prop singing songs – sitting in small groups and choosing different prop songs like the Aussie animal finger family song, speckled frogs
- Felt stories – using the felt props to make some picture stories and tell them to other children
That’s all from us hopefully you enjoyed reading. Please remember to RSVP to the Father’s Day Sports afternoon tomorrow if you are attending. It is 3-4pm and children who don’t come on Friday’s are still welcome to attend.
Thanks for reading our blog today. Enjoy your afternoon!
Mr Andrew and Miss Lara