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Hello everyone, and welcome to Monday! Reid noticed that some of the tomatoes were turning red, so Miss Kerry helped the children collect the ripe beans and tomatoes. These were included in our lunch today.

This was a great introduction to the day, and aligns with a key learning outcome from the Early years Learning Framework:

Learning Outcome 2.4 – Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment

Sub-Outcome 2.4.4 – Children explore, predict and hypothesise in order to develop an increased understanding of the interdependence between land, people, plants and animals.


In addition to being avid gardeners, today we also enjoyed the following play-based learning experiences:

  • Playdough with rolling pins, cookie cutters and pizza cutters
  • Threading with large assorted blocks (Myah and Charlotte really enjoyed this activity). Threading helps develop pre-numeracy skills such as patterning and sequencing, hand-eye coordination and manual dexterity
  • Cutting sea animal pictures and pasting onto paper (very much enjoyed by Reid, Eva, Hazel, Oli and Theo). Cutting takes patience and mastery. It is an important pre-writing skill that helps children build up the small muscles in the hand, increases bilateral coordination (using left and rights hands simultaneously to carry out individual tasks)
  • Painting at the easel
  • Assorted puzzles (increases concentration, sorting, predicting etc.)

We also enjoyed Miss Lyn reading us one of our favourite (and funny) stories about a big green frog in the toilet – written by Anh Do.

This was followed by a spot of sand play and swinging from the monkey bars underneath the outside classroom. Lots of fun was had by all today. We hope you enjoy our pictures.

Until tomorrow, take care everyone!

Love from Miss Donna and Miss Lyn xxxx