The children were all very welcoming today, giving me a big hug after having yesterday off from being a bit unwell. I was very excited to see the children! Ellie even said, “Miss TJ we were worrying about you!”. Very thoughtful!
This morning Milly suggested a game of Hide and Seek and told us it was her favourite game to play. Miss TJ counted first then Milly, Ellie and Kaylee. We found some great hiding spots in the tunnel, around the corner and in the cubby house. We had a fun go on the swing before making our way inside to the cool aircon and where our friend Zahra joined us! Our girls’ group was complete for the day!
The group came with me for a walk to the kitchen to grab our morning tea and as we walked past the table, they ran straight over to the wooden tree house and began playing with it. After morning tea, we decided to go back out to the tree house and add small figurine fairies and creatures to the play. They had a ball exploring the house, using the furniture and fun activities on the house and role playing with the fairies. Children’s voice:
Zahra- This is the garden. What’s your name?
Ellie- I’m Tinkerbell. What are you doing little tooth fairy? Hello little ducklings.
Kaylee- Up the ladder. In the car.
Milly- (singing) Mary had a little Lamb, little lamb…Mary had a jumping lamb, jumping lamb…
Back inside the classroom, we played Fairy dance music, dress up in the home corner costumes and danced along with each other. Ellie asked if we could have some fairy face paint, which was great idea for an extension from our morning. The girls sat so very patiently while Miss TJ painted their faces or arms and then adding glitter, of course! They look beautiful!
We then made our way over to the Pre kindy room for our dance class with Miss Jeni where we learnt how to roll over a mat and do the macarena.
To calm our bodies down from all the fun dancing we sat at a table together and made special fairy bracelets out of ribbons, wooden beads and coloured pens. Firstly, the group painted their four beads before threading the ribbon through. It was a great fine motor experience when holding the bead to colour and pinching the ribbon to fit into the beads hole and pulling it out the other end. They all did a great job and were so impressed with their bracelets. They couldn’t wait to show anyone who walked through our door.
It has been such a lovely end to the week with an amazing class of children. Hope you all have a great weekend!
See you next week
Miss TJ