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Welcome to wonderful Tuesday. Today we were lucky to have the lovely Miss Maddie join us for the day.

We have had such a wonderful day with the children engaging in a variety of play experiences both individual and collaboratively. Today in regard to health warnings we will be staying inside for the day, due to the air quality from the fires.

This morning at group time the children engaged in some beautiful singing as we practiced our songs for graduation. After our singing, a few of our friends were eager to share their show and tell. Hamilton brought in a dog that his Mum had brought him which was to remember the people from the war and the ones who had died. Wolfy was very excited to show us his medal that he had gotten from soccer, he seemed so proud. Phoenix had some exciting news for us, which is his first wobbly tooth. Although not at show and tell time Ariah had some exciting news for us too which was that she had her ears pierced in the weekend.  At the conclusion of group time our friends Hayley and Elliott set up two play experiences for their peers to engage in which were dominoes and stickle bricks construction blocks.

Now that it was morning play time the children quickly engaged in a variety of experiences. Today on offer we had crinkle art. Which involved the children drawing a picture on a piece of paper, scrunching it up, then lastly painting over their picture with water colour. Before engaging in this experience I asked the children what they thought was going to happen, a couple of the children commented that it was going to turn invisible. The children had the opportunity to create art using egg cartons. Here the children had the opportunity to express their creativity, use their imagination and problem solving skills as they worked out how to stick the egg cartons to the paper. The dominoes proved very popular among the children today it was great to see them creating independently and collaboratively with their peers as they created walls, the longest domino line, houses and a variety of other creations. I wonder what domino challenges we could come up with this afterno on and tomorrow.


After our busy morning playing together we joined together on the group mat to reflect on our morning.

Harper enjoyed painting and packing away. Elliott dominos and painting. Layla dominos painting and reading books. Astrid liked egg cartons and playing in home corner. Graysen liked playing with Jaxon.  Hamilton playing with Wynter, painting and books. Hayley playing with Jaxon in home corner and painting. Liam home corner. Bobby dominos. Ariah painting and dominos. Jacob egg cartons, painting and packing away. Austin drawing and writing his name. Phoenix playing with friends and dominos. Wynter painting and dominos.

This afternoon we will talk about what experiences the children would like to engage in tomorrow and setting up the environment for our play.