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Hello families and friends, Miss Jess and Mr Andrew welcome our 19 friends to the Kindergarten class today. We has some fun sheltering together under the verandas this morning building blocks, making farms and zoos as well as ball games.

Inside we has fun learning about the calendar and important facts such as days of the week, dates, months and seasons. We are slowly beginning to learn some songs to help us remember these names.

We continued our focus on bugs by using the the light table to explore some real life specimens.

This was an extremely popular activity. We talked about sizes, colours and the body parts that help classify them as insects.

Another topic of interest was weight and measurement so we got out some scales and experimented with jars of different weights, trying to balance the buckets with the same weight on each side.

Miss Emma came and helped us with some relaxation techniques after lunch, with slow breathing, meditating and lying down and resting. This was a great calming time for the children and allowed them to refocus for the afternoon.

In the afternoon we used the light table to explore x-rays of different animal skeleton and matched them to the real animal. Other children explored puzzles, home corner cooking activities and reading stories.

In the afternoon we will hopefully make use of the tree house to do some outdoor activities.

Thank you again Kindergarten children for a wonderful day. See you again soon.