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We began your day playing outside with our friends from Toddlers 2. While we waited for all our friends to join us, we spent the morning choosing between riding bikes around the bike track, playing in the sandpit, doing running races and throwing and catching balls. After our morning tea was time to explore the inside environment. In the mat Miss Gabi and Miss Steph set up the train trucks, soft blocks, and plastic animals.

In another carpet close to home corner area the children choose to play with dolls and extending the experience to a “tea party event”.

Before lunch time the children went in the “big slide” playground to have one more play. In this second moment – Miss Steph had planned an obstacles course to pretended it was a “fire man training” course, extending the children’s interests for the “fire man” hats she also set up a costume of a fire man jumper.

Today at our group time Miss Steph and Miss Simona prepared something special for the children. Using recycling materials, they made a “monster truck site “using different zig zag obstacles so the children can use the slide and the cones to go faster with their car. In the outdoor area the children had the opportunity to explore the firefighter obstacles course where educators brought some cones, firefighter hats, climbing ladders and slides. All the children enjoyed being outside and heaving a race with their friends