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Happy Friday!

Today we started of our fabulous Friday in the babies two yard, enjoying what they have on offer, from reading nooks, see-saws, trucks, building blocks and walkers. We loved hanging out with all our older friends as this is a great way for our babies to  expand their knowledge of interactions, and communications 😊

We have Peyton, Winston, and Bella rose who found great enjoyment in the outside reading nook, flipping through pages of fun, and adventurous stories that they found to be super exciting 😊

On the other hand, we have Cleo, Daris, Nash and Shayann who found themselves immersed in the sandpit, where they found shovelling the sand exciting and fun, and the texture they found to be quite unusually, but enjoyable 😊

We made our way inside for a delicious wholesome lunch, made by the amazing in-house chef David. He cooked us delicious and nutritious pizzas, salad, and puree to fill, and fuel the rest of our babies fabulous Friday 😊

As the afternoon made its way around we enjoyed some creative play based activities, free drawing colouring with a wide variety of colour pencils, crayons, and paint. This allows the babies the opportunity to freely and openly express themselves and tap into their imagination and get in tune with themselves and their creative side. This activity is loved by all our beautiful babies, as they love to go wild and express themselves but also stimulate their fine motor skills 😊

Overall, today in the babies one room we have had an amazing Friday! We have enjoyed many play based activities to stimulate all kinds of fun for them and enjoyed some outdoor play to run around and get some fresh air and sunlight in which they love this also, oh what a great day 😊

Love from Miss Lilly and Miss Hansani xo