Hello family and friends, welcome to our fan fairy-tastic Friday!! 😊
Today Miss Kate is away on holidays and will be back next week 😊 Alongside Miss Jess today is our lovely Miss Nikki! We both welcomed 4 of our wonderful friends to the Babies room 1 😊 Alexia, Isabella, Edward and Abel.
This morning all friends participated in art time!! Time to get messsyyy!!! Alexia, Edward, Abel and Isabella all enjoyed free painting. Exploring the texture of the paint as well as practicing their fine motor skills holding the paintbrush. Some of our friends were assisted by Miss Jess while others were doing it on their own 😊
Abel found the ABC puzzle very interesting, practicing his problem-solving skills as Miss Jess sat down with him to assist in putting the pieces in the right places doing hand over hand. Miss Jess than sang the ABC song to enhance more on his interest.
Alexia had lots of fun with the police car as she zooms around the room 😊 Alexia also enjoyed playing with the toy phone!! She must have had a great phone call as she couldn’t stop laughing 😊
Edward is getting more confident in his sitting up skills! Edward had fun playing with the musical instruments 😊
Isabella loved the new toys! Exploring throughout the room too 😊
For the afternoon Abel, Edward, Alexia and Isabella enjoyed playing outside, catching some warm sun with the cool breeze 😊
We hope you all had a great day!! As we did 😊
Thankyou Babies 1 for today, see you all next week
Have a relaxing, safe and enjoyable weekend 😊
Love Miss Jess and Miss NIikki xxx