Friday 5th June 2020.
Happy Friday one and all from Miss Kate in the Babies 1 Room! This morning we acknowledged ‘WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY’ here with our friends, Miller, Edward and Peyton. Miss Kate planned for us to do some collage work using blue and green tissue paper on world pictures to resemble the colours of the land and sea. We practiced our creativity skills and learnt that glue is fun to touch whilst listening to some WORLD MUSIC.
Miss Kate bought in some animal coasters for us to explore today practicing our animal sounds whilst being in a supportive environment to extend their vocabulary skills. We also had fun with the big K and heart helium balloons Miss Kate shared with us today – Edward thought this was great fun as he chased it around the room!
Peyton chose to explore the home corner learning environment set with the pots and pans this morning – a little MasterChef in the making as she happily opened the play oven door to put things in and take them out.
The children had fun outside with all our friends from Babies 2 and Babies 3 Rooms exploring the physical play spaces to increase their gross motor skills with our set ups including –
• Rocking dinosaurs.
• Sandpit with trucks.
• Wagons and dolls.
• Play mat wit the musical toys and assorted rattles.
Piaget developed the term ‘CONCRETE LEARNING’ which means children use their senses to learn and this is very appropriate in our room.
Many thanks Peyton for bringing in a photo for our FAMILY TREE!
Another week done and dusted! Have a wonderful weekend and I’m looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Thanks and With Love – Miss Kate ♥