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Welcome to our Monday in the Babies 1 room with Miss Jess and stepping in for Miss Lyn while she is away is Miss Kate. We hope you had a great weekend and a lovely Mother’s Day to all our wonderful Mothers.
What we did today:
We formed bonding relationships through singing and looking at books – conversational reading, our friends love the wiggles especially Orion and Abel. Ivy enjoys her time spent in the home corner always cooking and make such scrumptious things to eat. Luca and Alanis had a fun morning pushing around the zebra walkers. Alanis is getting so confident with her walking!! Quinn was happily playing with the dolls in the home corner area too. The children are encouraged to free play and respond well to social settings with their familiar educators assisting them to fee safe, secure and connected in the room. It is wonderful to see the babies settling in so nicely to the room and routines are individualized to work like a home away from home environment. Please keep us posted with any changes to your babies’ routine or goals you would like to set for them. All meals were tucked into today with most of our babies trying all foods by us encouraging independence and self-help skills at eating if they are up to this stage.
Thank you for a lovely day Babies 1 – Miss Jess and Miss Kate xx