Welcome to terrific Tuesday to all of our Babies 1 room families and friends! A special warm welcome to our new friend, Jesse today who had some beautiful big smiles! 😊 Our other friends included – Orion, Miller, Abel, Bentley and Millie. This morning we all were really excited to see Miss Gabi, our yoga teacher which the children all participate in this fun session. Abel, Bentley, Orion and Millie happily explored the bead frame cubes and toys today increasing their problem-solving skills and investigating through play. Little Miller strengthened her core muscles by trying to sit with support of the cushions looking at the soft toys on the baby gym with lots of smiles for her educators. 😊 Orion has been practicing his pre walking skills using the trolley as assistance whilst Bentley prefers to hold our hnads as support and guidance! 😊 A big THANK YOU goes to Miss Nads for treating our babies to a new textured GLITTER BOARD which Orion, Bentley and Millie especially enjoyed today. Vygotsky stated that children learn twice – once by watching and the other by doing. This is age and stage appropriate for a lot of our babies at the moment as we observe them play and interact with others both verbally and non-verbally for a range of purposes. 😊

Thank you for a wonderful day Babies 1. Miss Kate and Miss Jess xx