Hello and welcome to Thursday in the babies 1 room with Miss Kate and Miss Jess. 😊 😊
We had 6 little friends join us today including Millie, Bentley, Quinn, Alanis, Scarlett and Edward. Our focus for August for all children is Conversational Reading with all our babies which is part of the ABECEDARIAN APPROACH which is a language enriched program that includes principles of human learning into a fun, affordable and effective approach to early childhood education. We follow the SEE – SHOW – SAY technique to encourage learning and language in all children with the use of books and focus our attention to where the child is looking. Rogoff believed adults have a role in guiding children’s learning and importance of language skills. 😊 This morning, Millie, Quinn, Alanis, Bentley and Edward explored some green playdough with the cookie cutters in the highchairs which was lots of fun to check out and practice our fine motor skills. Scarlett explored the rattles in the bouncy chair, with beautiful smiles for us. Miss Jess played some Disney music for us to dance and listen too this morning, which Alanis responded especially well to this. 😊
A friendly reminder that tomorrow is JEANS for GENES day, so lets get behind this by wearing our jeans and bringing a gold coin to support this worthy foundation. 😊
Thanks Babies 1 for a lovely day – Miss Kate and Miss Jess 😊 😊