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We have had a great day today!! Due to the wet and very hot/ muggy weather we spent most of the day inside exploring. Bentley and Dorijan did some animal sponge paintings today. They were both very unsure of the texture of the sponge. When Dorijan first touched it he shivered and then was giving it back to Miss T’arn. When Bentley touched the sponge he moved his hand away quickly before touching it again. The he began to squeeze the sponge. They both preferred to touch the paint using their hands though. Oskar and Presley enjoyed playing with the farm animals and puzzle together. Oskar liked the horse and was happy looking at the horse and listening to Miss T’arn saying “Horse, Neigh.” Presley was picking up the cow and sheep and saying “Baa.”

We have noticed the children have been trying to communicate a lot more this week and try new things. Presley was asking us “Ball?” When Miss T’arn gave her the ball she was so happy smiling and giggling and saying “Ball” as she held it up and showed us. Oskar has been pointing to the sleep room and letting us know he is tired and ready for bed. This is great to see he is taking responsibility for his own well being and able to communicate his needs. Bentley has been trying to hold his own bottle at bottle times now, he is getting so big and strong. Dorijan is so good at bringing himself to the table at meal times. As soon as we put the chairs around the table they know it is time for M/T, L, or A/T.

Tomorrow the children are having a fun Brazilian Carnival, Please bring your children in fun dress ups ready for a fun filled day of activities that Miss Otavia has planned for them!

Please don’t forget a Family Photo for our Family tree!! 🙂

♥ Much Love, Miss T’arn and Miss Otavia ♥