07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Thursday 25th June 2020 – Babies 1.

Hello families and friends from the Babies 1 Room alongside Miss Kate and Miss Lilly!  We have had a wonderful day with your precious children, with lots of learning and fun had by all!  😊

The home corner area of the room was popular spot to observed in this morning as the children explored the play oven, pots, pans and dolls to increase their dramatic play and imagination skills.  It is a great role play area whereby children learn life skills playing alongside their friends to encourage social, emotional and language development.  😊

Miss Kate set up some free drawing at our new table in the room which some of us older ones that can walk or stand thought this was great fun with lots of smiles!  We practiced our fine motor skills as we selected which coloured pencil or crayon to draw on the paper which enhances our creativity and curiosity by being in a supportive environment.  😊

Our spontaneous singing throughout the days here is wonderful to observe our children learning to imitate simple actions to favourite songs including – ‘Twinkle Little Star’  ‘Open, Shut them’ and ‘If you’re happy and you know it.’  As part of our morning routine we pay our respects to the Aboriginal people by singing our ‘Acknowledgment of Country’ which all the children are familiar with learning to encourage both verbal and non-verbal language development.  😊

Outside play was braved by us as it warmed up and the sun shone to thaw us out!  Today we practiced our physical gross motor skills with the big coloured soft blocks, tent, sandpit with big trucks and our dolls in the wagons too!  All of the children LOVE being outside!  😊

Please see the signs in the foyer for PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS coming up soon on MONDAY 6th JULY!  This is a great chance for Miss Kate to show you your child’s learning portfolio and have an informal chat about your child’s overall development and any goals you are working towards!  😊

Thanks for another great day Babies 1 – Miss Kate and Miss Lilly!  ♥  ♥