Hello one and all from the bouncing Babies Room 1 with Miss Kate and Miss Shanaya today! 😊 This morning the children began the day outside with all our other friends from the Babies 2 and Babies 3 Rooms. After our morning tea which we couldn’t wait to tuck into to set us up for a fun day ahead we set about to explore our room and learning environments with curiosity, confidence and independence. 😊 The children really are blossoming into becoming great little learners and explorers as they self-select toys from the shelves that take their interest and attention. 😊 Scarlett happily potters around in the home corner area with the play oven and Miss Kate gave her some recycled yoghurt pots to explore this morning. 😊 Outside play is always a favourite time of the day which we have definitely been making the most of especially before this cool and wet change is upon us soon. 😊 We had a special treat today which was a really cool JUMPING CASTLE that Miller thought was super fun practising her balance and developing her gross motor skills – our proper little adventurer! 😊 Parker, Peyton and Edward also responded well to outside play and happily explore the sandpit with trucks, spades and buckets, rocking dinosaurs, push along mowers, little cars on the mat and our books in the circus tent. We are very confident and involved learners excelling our milestones every day! 😊
Action songs are always a favourite time of the day here which is wonderful for our language development and we have been practicing many favourite ones including –
• ‘Twinkle little star.’
• ‘Incy Wincy Spider.’
• ‘Old Mac Donald had a farm.’
• ‘Our acknowledgment of Country.’
Here in the Babies 1 Room we ensure we meet our learning outcomes of the EARLY YEARS LEARNING FRAMEWORK and number 1 is ‘CHILDREN HAVE A STRONG SENSE OF IDENTITY’ which enables our little ones to feel safe , secure and protected by nurturing responsive relationships. Please ask Miss Kate if you would like to view your child’s learning portfolio to see how this is documented for your individual child. Again we value your feedback and suggestions as we like to work collaboratively with our families. 😊

Thanks Babies 1 for a beautiful day – Miss Kate and Miss Shanaya . ♥♥