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Today we did lots of fun BLUE activities!! Dorijan enjoyed doing a fun blue collage with blue cotton, paper and crepe paper. He had fun picking up the materials and putting them onto the paper and glue. Our bubs enjoyed a fun morning outside, Miss T’arn filled a container with water and added some blue colouring and sea animals for the children to explore. the children enjoyed splashing, sitting in and playing with the water and sea animals. They were all so happy and content outside in the beautiful sunny day! It was the perfect weather to get some water out and enjoy some sensory play. Inside the babies enjoyed exploring the room. Our non-mobile babies are really starting to try to move their bodies more, rolling, kicking and reaching. They are all so eager to get going and investigate the classroom further! Our mobile babies are everywhere, into everything and really exploring and resources in our classroom. It’s so nice to see our bubs becoming so confident and settled in their environment.

Thank you all for an amazing day friends!!

♥ Much Love, Miss T’arn and Miss Otavia ♥