Welcome families to terrific Tuesday in the babies 1 room with a full house today including

Welcome families to terrific Tuesday in the babies 1 room with a full house today including our friends – Miller, Millie, Oliver, Orion, Bentley, Isabella, Jesse and Abel. 😊 Miss Kate and Miss Jess are excited to see our new friends settling in nicely to the group, and it is rewarding to see everyone developing a positive bond with us. This morning the children had free play to explore their environment in calm, supportive room so all of the children feel safe, secure and protected. 😊 We set goals for our individual children based on observations which are linked to the developmental milestones and learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework. Please let us know if you like to view your child’s developmental learning journal at any time as we value your feedback and contributions. Many thanks. We have been focusing on ‘Enriched Caregiving’ which is part of the ABECEDARIAN APPROACH which ensure that we use the routines as a back and forth learning interaction for the children to increase their learning and language throughout the days here. Here is the link to the ‘Enriched Caregiving’ strategies for your information……………😊


Orion, Millie, Abel, Bentley and Isabella spent some time exploring the duplo blocks as a child-initiated play time this morning, which is great for hand-eye coordination and concentration spans. Spontaneous singing, music and dancing is enjoyed by all of our friends.
Thanks for a wonderful day Babies 1 – Miss Kate and Miss Jess 😊 😊