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We have had a great day today in our babies one room!! We did lots of green activities today to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!! We had a basket full of green items for the children to explore and investigate. The children had fun going through the basket and having a look at all the different things they found in there. They especially liked the pieces of pool noodle. they all wanted to bite pieces out of it. This was so much fun and was interesting to see what the children did with all the random green items. Some of the children also enjoyed playing with some shaving cream which we added some green food colouring to. This was so much fun to make a mess with and rub all over the table and in our hands. We are so excited to see what more green activities we will do this week to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!!

A Reminder, Please dress in green tomorrow!!

Have a wonderful evening!

♥ Much Love, Miss T’arn and Miss Otavia ♥