We have had a wet weather day inside today! This week we are focusing on colours! Each day this week we will be doing a different colour. Miss T’arn borrowed some activities from the other rooms to help with our focus of the week. Babies 3 had some books and coloured activities for us to use. Today the colour we chose to focus on is RED! We enjoyed playing with the rainbow stacking toy and rainbow stacking rings, reading books about colours and matching the colour red toys with the red page, exploring the red sensory bag and doing red water painting. We also enjoyed a group time reading books and singing the rainbow sign language song! This is also a great way to encourage sign language into our classroom. We like to do sign language in our room to help children communicate in a different way if they don’t know how to use their words. Miss Otavia and Miss T’arn are starting to use some sign language with the children to help them communicate and help us understand their wants and needs. We do signs “eat” and “drink” to start with and will add more and more. We would love to know if you use sign language at home also!!
Thank you all for an amazing day!!
♥ Much Love, Miss T’arn and Miss Otavia ♥