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Hello and welcome all to our hippy hop Wednesday! 7 more sleeps until CHRISTMASSSSSSS WOOHOO! This morning Miss Jess and Miss Tania gave a warm welcome to our 6 gorgeous cherubs 😊 Edward, Millie, Orion, Oliver, Willow and Bentley!
What a great day we have all had on this fine sunny day 😊
This morning when all our friends had arrived and after our delicious morning tea! Miss Jess and Miss Tania thought we could bring the water fun inside as it was a little too hot to go outside and our friends had so much fun with the water yesterday! So, we thought why not let them have the time of their lives this morning to start the day off right 😊 Orion, Edward, Willow and Bentley especially enjoyed tapping and splashing at the water as well as playing with the textured shaped balls! 😊 What a delight it was to see all children involved together and sharing laughs and smiles!
After we got all dried and changed into some fresh clothes! Millie then adventured off to the window where Willow was standing at and were very interested in the different farm animals on the window! Miss Jess saw how intrigued they both were, so she sat down to say what each animal was and the sound they each make! This then sparked a song that was sung β€œOld McDonald had a farm” all children enjoyed this song.
Edward and Oliver enjoyed playing in the home corner exploring through the pots, pans and food. While Orion was happily exploring the book nook area and puzzles 😊 all children explored throughout the room and self-selected many different toys to play with throughout the day 😊
What a beautiful day we have had, and I hope you all did too!
Thankyou Babies 1 for today,
See you all soon,
Miss Jess and Miss Tania xxx