07 5529 8744 [email protected]


Welcome to Wacky Wednesday in the Babies 1 Room with Miss Kate and Miss Lilly!  😊  Today we had a busy day with all of our friends self-selecting toys of interest around the room and confidently exploring the play environments that was set up for us!  😊

Olivia had a fantastic time exploring the messy RED shaving foam and completing her boomerang to add to our Aboriginal Display in the room.  We are loving our new displays and demonstrating curiosity and creativity as we participate in a range of crafts here in the Babies 1 Room.  😊

Parker loved looking at books this morning using non-verbal language with a big smile for the camera which was super cute today!  😊

Oliver, Daris, Olive, Charlie and Olivia all contently played outside in this glorious warm weather this morning which is great for our physical gross motor skills and development.  We checked out the sandpit, dolls, steppingstones and ride on toys!  😊  Spontaneous singing throughout the day helps our social and vocabulary skills!  😊

Tomorrow we will be doing another science experiment to continue with NATIONAL SCIENCE WEEK so watch this space as we all develop trust and confidence participating in a range of activities.  😊

Thanks for yet another fantastic day!

Miss Kate and Miss Lilly!  ♥  ♥