Welcome families and friends to our day in the Babies room 1 😊
Today we have 8 lovely friends in our Babies room and our friend Luca adventured to Miss Shelbys room for the day. Our friends started the morning off by exploring throughout the room, Quinn, Abel, Bentley, Orion, Millie and Willow had lots of fun exploring the rattles this morning amongst many other musical instruments. Alanis was having fun playing with the rattles as well as showing het friends the pot and spoon as she would walk around the room with them in her hand stirring away. Edward was having lots of fun in the baby bouncer underneath the baby gym, giving Miss Jess and Miss Kate lots of giggles and smiles.
Throughout the day Willow and Quinn were building a rather lovely relationship with each other as they were having so much fun playing together in-home corner making lots of banging with the pots and pans cooking up a treat to then venturing over to the book nook area. Alanis was showing Miss Kate and Miss Jess how well she kicks the balls and watching them light up as she kicks them. Bentley is starting to get more confident in his tummy time and it’s wonderful to see him making such great progress 😊 Orion has had a wonderful day exploring around the room and forming greater relationships with his friends.
This afternoon Miss Kate read a book called “Our Bodies” as we are getting ready for the tooth show tomorrow! Which is going to be very exciting!!! 😊 Our friends had lots of fun exploring throughout the room.
We had a lovely day today and we hope you all did too
Thank you Babies 1
See you all soon,
Love Miss Jess and Miss Kate xx