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Jingeri families,

What a wonderful day to wrap up an excellent week. Another full house today with Jackson, Lara, Noah and Finley getting involved in a very busy day of construction and destruction.

I have been inspired by the genuinely productive job that all of the tradesmen are doing outside in our new playground, demonstrating how to work methodically as a team to prepare and lay the foundations of a fresh space. Using multiple resources to first destruct, then slowly reconstruct an area that is bigger and better. Spectacular role-modelling. So today I tried to provide the children with a wide variety of blocks, boxes, stack-able objects, and move-able parts so that they are able to emulate what they are watching happen in front of their eyes.

The tent is proving to be a source of great amusement as they all experiment with what seems to be the first attempts at TAG. Lara and Finley were clearly thrilled by the chase around and through the tent, and before long Noah had joined in too. Jackson eventually came over to see what all the fuss was about, and wound up leading the way to burst through and over. We are using our space so beautifully, and it is clear we all feel so comfortable.

I look forward to next week.