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We have had such a beautiful day. Miss Nads made us a musical basket full of all different types of musical instruments, the children really enjoyed exploring all the different musical items and the different sound they made. The children were so intrigued and played with the instruments together so nicely. Thank you so much Miss Nads for always thinking of our babies.

After exploring the instruments Miss T’arn made some wreathes for the children to decorate. We cut out the middle of some paper plates and scrunched up some crepe paper. The children did an awesome job putting glue onto the paper plate and sticking the crepe paper on. Some of the children were very delicate when putting on their pieces of crepe paper and put them on very carefully one by one, while others liked to put on lots at a time and picked them up in handfuls. They all looks so beautiful!!

We tried to make some goop together, the goop turned out a little watery so ended up being more of and orange water play but the children really enjoyed this activity and had fun splashing and standing in the orange water. We had so many fun experiences today with Babies 2 and Babies 3 together for the morning.

We hope you all had a great day!!

Much Love, Miss T’arn, Miss Jelena and Miss Hope ♥♥