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Good afternoon families

Welcome to babies two. It has been such a beautiful day in babies two today. Miss.Hansani and Miss.T’arn welcomed all our babies in the morning and sang good morning songs while we were outside. Children enjoyed playing in the outdoor yard exploring and engaging with their favourite activities. Finley, Liz, Thomas and Jackson enjoyed climbing together on our new climbing stuffs. Max loved to walk on the balancing beam without any hesitation. Cameron enjoyed pushing the push cow around the yard with his biggest smile. After the busy play children sat down on the mat outside and enjoyed the morning tea.

It’s getting really nice and warm outside these days. So, we decided to do some water play outside with babies three friends. We put our hats and sunscreen on before we head to the obstacle courses yard. Children were so excited to get ready to move into the big yard and join with their friends from next door. Miss.T’arn and Miss.Jena brought the hoses in to the yard to spray all around the yard. Some of our kids loved to dance and run around while others engaging with some challenging experiences such as climbing, carrying soft blocks and demonstrate their balancing skills.

It’s Miss.Hansani’s last day in babies two and I’ll be joining Babies one from next Monday as the Lead Educator. Miss.Hope will be joining with Miss.T’arn  as the assistant educator who is very familiar with our babies.

Have a lovely day….

Much love from Miss.Hansani and Miss.T’arn