Good Afternoon Families!!!
Welcome to babies two!
This morning Miss Otavia and Miss Lara welcomed Austin, Oskar, Emma, Indiana, Roman, and Asher with lots of cuddles.
Our morning began exploring the outdoor yard. Asher was having fun practicing his climbing skills on the wooden bridge. Miss Otavia also encouraged him to bounce, singing “bouncing, bouncing”, he smiled while bouncing. The sandpit was very popular today. We all enjoyed some time in the sandpit, digging and scooping up the sand. Emma spent lots of time filling buckets with sand. She tipped the buckets over to make sandcastles and Austin enjoyed playing scooping the sand into the baskets. Oskar and Roman loved to push the prams. They took turns pushing around the yard and putting things inside. On Roman’s turn, Emma decided to go inside for a little ride with her friend. Roman also enjoyed bouncing on the little horse with his friend from babies 3. Indiana was busy on the slide, climbing up and sliding down. Miss Otavia began building towers with the soft blocks, then her friends soon joined in and they all began climbing and tumbling over the soft blocks, giggling as they rolled around. We were having lots of fun, however it was time for morning tea with Mango tango coconut granola.
It was time for our dance lesson. We were excited to see what fun things Miss Jen had for us to explore through dance. We all sat on the mat with Miss Jen and did our stretches together before dancing. Miss Jen then handed out hula hoops we tried swinging them around our hips and arms and we even jumped inside them while dancing to the hula song!! The pom poms came out, it was time to free style and show our educators our best moves, there was lots of excitement, fun and laughter during our lesson today. After our Funk Feet dance, we explored our room with toys of choice while Miss Otavia was setting our new experience up .
Extending on this week, today’s activity was all about helping develop our fine motor control, coordination, concentration and learning about colours. We all sat around the table and took turns scooping up the coloured balls. Asher was first. Asher was a little confused at first however once Miss Otavia pointed to the colour that matches the ball, he was holding he got the hang of the activity, he preferred using his hand. Roman was next, he became a little frustrated attempting to scoop up the balls and decided it was easier to pick the balls up with his hand and place them on the tray. Oskar attempted to use the scoop using his determination, in the end he also used his hand, matching a few colours correctly. Austin and Emma matched most of the balls correctly, holding the scoop in one hand and using their hand to pick up the balls in the other. Indiana also did very well, using her hands to match the balls with the colours. With assistance from Miss Lara we tried our best to name the colours as we placed each ball into the tray, colour matching each one.
After this excited and busy morning, it was time for our yummy lunch. Today we made our own Mexican bowl. After we finished our lunch we all go to sleep with some soft relaxing music. For afternoon tea we enjoyed Pumpkin, Chia and oatmeal bars then our afternoon play was child led with more outdoor experiences!
We practice our self-help skills by using forks and spoons for mealtime to feed ourselves, put the hats on, find the drink bottles and wash our hands. Our new goal is encouraging children to put their dishes, bibs and drink bottles away in the baskets after mealtime. We encourage children to find their own cot now. We encourage older children to walk to the bathroom and use the stairs to reach to the changing mat and wash their hands after changing nappies by themselves.
As the warmer weather is here, we thought we would enjoy some fun water-based activities next week. Could you please make sure you have a few changes of clothes in their bags! Thank you.
PS – We have put up the daily blog, daily programming and daily pictures up on the wall just before where we enter to the babies room.
We wish all our families a wonderful and safe weekend. See you all next week.
Miss Otavia and Miss Lara.