Jingeri families
What a wonderful Wednesday we have spent together with our friends Finley, Jackson and Indi. As we enjoy the last month of spring for this year, the weather is treating us to a spectacular display of sunshine and blue sky.
Our room is filling steadily with a wide selection of the most perfect age-appropriate educational resources, and the children are using them fully with true innocent fascination. So may gross-motor exercises throughout the day, and fine-motor practice everywhere. We truly are blessed with the most unusual opportunity to grow and evolve with each other, as we discover how the space works and what we all like.
I have gradually been incorporating visuals and representations of our letter of the week, which is R, which has opened up the doorway to Rocket-ships and Race-cars, which allows me to reinforce the phonetic sound. These are our building blocks for communication.
I look forward to tomorrow.