Hello and welcome families to our adventurous day here in the Babies room 2 ♥
Today Miss Jess spent the day with your beautiful babies and what a pleasure it was.
Miss Jess started the morning off by greeting all your little cherubs with a warm smile and wave♥
Noah was quick to the box with the musical instruments inside. Noah’s favorite instruments were the carrot rattle and the tambourine. He banged away on the tambourine as he used the carrot as a drum stick. Noah really enjoyed making some cool sounds and exploring many different ones. Musical instruments are great for children as it boost cognitive and sensory development, promotes creativity and it helps develop fine and gross motor skills.
Cameron was happily exploring the CARS!! He really showed a great interest in the cars, trucks and the buses. To extend on Cameron’s interest we will do some activities involving modes of transportation. It is important to value children’s interest because it shows that we are listening to them and it helps them become their own individual person.
Max had a lot of fun with the elephant and rhino as he carried them around, this sparked Miss Jess to then sing “Old Mc’Donald” song all children loved this song and responded well.
Morning tea timeeeeee!!! All children sat up ready for some scrumptious morning tea. The watermelon was a WINNER!!
After morning tea, Miss Jess decided to let them do some free panting with the colours red and yellow. Max, Noah and Cameron really liked letting their creativity side come out. Noah liked the feeling of the bristles on the paintbrush as he felt them with his fingers. Max enjoyed squishing the paint in his hands and Cameron liked dotting away at the paper. Painting is great as it helps enhance their hand and eye coordination and also helps develop their muscles in their hands. Painting allows children to express emotion and to dig into their imagination.
It was then time for outside fun! woohoooooo! Max, Noah and Cameron joined in the Babies 1 and 2 yard to explore their sandpit and toys. Max enjoyed pushing around the mower, mowing the grass. Cameron LOVED the sandpit and the nice cool texture of it. Cameron also showed a lot of interest in the balls as he pushed them along before crawling after them. Noah ran like grease lightning to the ride on bikes!! Noah is very fast on his feet and even faster on the bikes!! He really enjoyed zooming up and down on the pavement.
After all our fun and excitement it was then time for lunch. After lunchtime our sleepers got ready to rest their bodies and re -energize for this afternoons whiz of fun.
This afternoon our friends had a lovely afternoon in their outdoor environment in the cool air, watching the rain fall off and on. They enjoyed their friends company and interacting with one an other.
Thank You Babies 2 for this wonderful day.
Have a lovely night.
Miss Jess♥