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Hello, Babies’ 3 families,

We hope you all had a wonderful weekend with your families.

We have had a busy day in babies 3 with lots of activities to choose from. Firstly, we washed our hands for morning tea, we all sat together at the table waiting for our yummy yogurt and fresh fruit. Miss Mel sung a few of our favourite nursery rhymes while waiting. We sang “twinkle, twinkle” and “Open Shut them”. After we cleaned up it was group time.

This week Miss Melinda is focusing on getting our babies used to group time. This is where we all sit together on the mat and either sing, dance or read a story together. Practicing our best listening and concentration skills. For todays group time Miss Mel had some interactive puppets and they were to one of our favourite nursery rhymes “Five Little Ducks” we were all very excited and eager to touch the puppets. Miss Mel asked what a duck says and Charlie responded “quack, quack” Miss Mel sung the song and all her friends did the actions along with her. We packed away and it was time to find our hats put our sunscreen on and head outside.

We all became very excited when Miss Jess pulled the hose out and began filling up our sensory tray full of water. Miss Jess added boats and sea animals. We also added bubbles!!!!! Our friends in babies 2 came outside to join in the fun. There were lots of laughs and giggles as we splashed around, a few of us wanted to sit in the water to cool off, it was such a warm day outside. We also used our gross motor skills as we ran around the yard, climbing, sliding, and taking turns on the see saw. The baby’s corner was also very popular especially with Charlie and Peyton.

Inside Miss Mel had set up a playdoh activity, our babies could choose if they wanted to engage in playdoh or continue exploring outside. Liz, Avery, Peyton, Delilah, August, Halle, and Luna all had a turn at squishing and manipulating the playdoh. This Enhances fine motor skill. When your child squishes, rolls, flattens, or cuts play dough, they develop and strengthen their hand muscles. The strengthened hand muscles help improve fine motor skills of your child.

We all headed inside and began cleaning up as we were having a very special visitor, Hayley is coming for a Yoga class!! We were all very excited at first however a few of us were not so sure and came over to Miss Mel for cuddles. Halle, August and Charlie were copying the stretches and touching their toes, it was very cute.

After yoga we enjoyed our lunch then it was time for some soft relaxing music. Miss Mel pulled the blinds down ready for us to rest our bodies for the afternoon’s activities.

We have had a lovely day today in babies 3

See you all again very soon.

Miss Melinda, Miss Jess and Miss Lilly. xxxxx