Hello families,
Welcome to Tuesday in Babies 3,
Well, it’s another very wet day today so no outdoor play. We hope all our families are staying dry and warm.
Our morning began in Babies 1 and Babies 2 rooms while we waited for our friends to arrive. We welcomed Liz, Halle, Peyton, and Charlie first. We all had some fun throwing the balls to each other and around the room, Halle loves the little babies and was patting and talking to baby Charlie. We all then headed over to Babies 2 excitedly eager to explore. Home corner was very popular this morning. Avery arrived and joined her friends. We all then headed over to our room to play with toys of choice while we were waiting for our morning tea to arrive. Charlie and Liz played with the musical instruments and Avery sat quietly looking through a book before pushing the fire engine around the room and up the walls.
It was time for some yummy yogurt and fresh fruit. We all packed away our toys to the clean-up song, washed our hands and sat together at the table while we patiently waited for Mel to serve up our yogurt, drinking big sips of water while we waited.
Continuing our Harmony Week celebrations today we had a fun indoor activity planned. With a tray full of fresh Orange assorted fruits including, rock melon, grapefruit, oranges, and mandarins. We all took turns at rolling each fruit down the slide, noticing that each fruit rolled a little differently and to symbolise that even though we are all a little different we all belong just the same.
Liz, Halle, Avery, Charlie, and Peyton together with all their friends from Babies 2 all had a turn rolling the fruit down the slide and chasing after it, eager to roll it again and again and watching as each fruit rolled differently. Miss Jess cut the rock melon in half to show the amazing orange colours inside. We all had a touch and feel. It was so much fun.
The message for harmony day is ‘everybody belongs’ and aims to promote respect for cultural and religious diversity throughout Australia. Orange is the representative colour of harmony day and signifies support for cultural diversity on the day.
We were having so much fun with the slide Miss Mel brought if back across to our room where we continued to play. Learning to take turns and share. Charlie then found a dolly and dolly had a turn down the slide. Avery, Halle, and Peyton also found dollies too.
Mel took the slide back outside and we all sat at the table together for some free drawing, we love drawing here in Babies 3!!! Plus, its great for our fine motor development. We also love drawing on ourselves and the table, it seems to be way more fun!!
Time to pack away, pull the blinds down, play some relaxing music and enjoy some lunch before resting our bodies with a nice long nap. We have had a wonderful Tuesday.
See you all again very soon.
♥♥ Miss Mel and Miss Milly xxxxx ♥♥