Hello Babie’s 3 families, welcome to our day,
Today we welcomed Parker, Olivia, Isla, Valencia, Bella and Matthew with warm cuddles as they settled into their learning environment.
Walking into our room this morning Olivia headed straight over to the dolls corner where she sat herself in the dolls bed and began patting the dolly to sleep. Parker soon joined Olivia and they pulled all the bedding off the dolls bed and then placed it back again, tucking dolly in. Parker held her finger up to her mouth saying “shh” as dolly was falling asleep. Isla pulled herself up onto the highchair, using her imagination Isla began feeding the dolly using the spoon and bowl. Parker picked up the toy monkey, as she was picking him up, she said “monkey” Parker then found a dolls brush, she walked over to the table, sat down and began brushing the monkey’s fur.
Bella, Isla and Olivia spent time over at the table with the fine motor activities. Demonstrating their concentration, fine motor and hand/eye coordination they took turns playing with the spinning toy and the stacking rings.
Bella yelled out “Sleeping Bunnies” on the top of her voice. Mel asked her friends if they would all like to dance to Sleeping bunnies, Bella said “Yeah pease” Matthew and Valencia had arrived for the day and joined their friends as we all fell asleep like the bunnies in the song before waking up and hopping all over the room just like bunnies, sharing giggles and laughter together. We always love dancing and doing the actions. It’s our favourite song.
It was time to transition to morning tea. Miss Mel played our “clean up song” All our friends did their best to help pack away all our toys before washing our hands and sitting at the table for some yummy quinoa porridge to warm up our tummies.
Continuing celebrating Early Learning Matters Week, today’s focus is Trajectory. Trajectory schema is all about how things move.
Early Learning Matters Week raises awareness of the role of early childhood education and care in children’s development and wellbeing in Australia. High-quality education and care support young children to learn and thrive, in cooperation with parents, carers and the wider community.
Throwing, dropping jumping and climbing are all part of the trajectory schema. Today for our activity we joined with our friends in Babies 2. Miss Mel and Miss Hansani set up the Toddler yard with balance beams, A frames, ramps and climbing frames for our babies to use their gross motor skills as they climbed. We all climbed the balance beam together. Once at the top Valencia, Matthew, Olivia, Parker, Bella, and Isla all threw, dropped, and rolled their balls, giggling and laughing as they jumped off chasing the balls to climb up and do it all over again. They then all ventured in differnent directions, exploring all the climbing frames.
Bella, Parker, Olivia, and Valencia showed so much enthusiasm as they explored the climbing frames. Isla enjoyed pulling all the balls in and out of the basket throwing them around the yard. Matthew did a little climbing but was also happily playing with he balls.
It was time for group time, today we joined with Babies 2 on the mat outside with Miss Mel. Using our best concentration and listening skills as Mel read a sensory book called “Never touch a grumpy bunny”. We all had a turn to feel the different textures of the bunny, the duck, and the sheep. After the story Mel sang a few of our favourite nursery rhymes. “Open, shut them”, “Wheels on the bus”, “If your happy and you know it”, “Little green frog” and “Twinkle, twinkle”. We all joined in doing the actions. Then we all did the actions to “sleeping bunnies” before it was time to head back inside, wash our hands and sit down for our delicious lunch. Today we enjoyed avocado and cheese grills.
After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep to some soft relaxing music,
Our afternoon play was child led as we explored our outdoor environment.
Thank you for a fun Thursday babies, we will see you all again very soon.
Ps: Our photos are now working however we are limited to uploading 8 photo to our blog, Please check out our program which is located on our wall just outside our room where there will be a few more photos of our day printed on the wall 🙂
Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia. xxxx