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Hello Families,

Welcome to our Holi Festival!!!!

We were all very excited this morning. We enjoyed some free play and our yummy morning tea as we eagerly watched as Miss Mel and Miss Hansi setting up the yard full of exciting activities for us to explore.

Today we are celebrating the Holi’s festival. Holi is a colourful and happy Hindu holiday celebrated on the last full moon of the lunar month of Phalguna at the end of the winter season. Holi is also known as the Festival of Colours and love; it is one of India’s grandest and most popular celebrations. This large festival is celebrated in many cities and rural areas throughout India, so there are plenty of opportunities for fun and excitement.

Using white pillowcases tied to the fence as our canvas, spray bottles filled with all the colours of the rainbow, coloured rice, sieve cups, ladles, scoops, funnels, coloured water to playing with watering cans, just plus lots more!!! We all demonstrated our fine motor as we had lots of fun spraying, exploring, and investigating all the different colours and textures!!!

Miss Mel and Miss Vanessa helped our friends using the spay bottles to create bright coloured pillowcases, it was a little tricky pressing the lever all by ourselves. Peyton and Luna spent most of their time playing in the colourful rice, Peyton scooped hers up and distributed it all over the yard. Luna was fascinated by the rainbow piñata hanging above.  Halle, Liz and Avery loved all the activities, Halle even jumped into the water, splashing about saying “blue, blue”. Avery was playing peek a boo with her educators behind the pillowcases.  Charlie was very clever and worked out how to use the spray bottle all by herself, she was very proud of herself too!! Augie persisted in trying to spray the colours all by himself, using all his muscle strength. It was a little tricky though.

We cleaned up for our yummy Lunch, Mel made the beds and lowered the blinds while Miss Vanessa played some soft music to help our babies feel relaxed as they laid on their beds for a nice long nap.

We have had such a fun colourful day!!!

See you all very soon!!

Miss Melinda and Miss Vanessa xxxx