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Hello families, Welcome to Wednesday in Babies 3,

Our morning began with our friends from babies two in our room. Charlie was the first little friend here and she could have lots of fun before the other friends start to arrive. Charlie was really intrigued by the magnetic carrot-bunny, she pulled all its pieces apart and back together again. Peyton got here right after and start to play with Charlie. Then we were happy to receive our friends from babies one to our room for some free play. Charlie and Peyton were all over our tiny friend Bentley from babies 1. Charlie tried to give him a bottle, and then decided to role play and give it to the doll instead. She always demonstrates a really big sense of caring. It’s adorable.

Avery came after and she loved to play with the big snake we borrowed from the Toddlers. She showed the snake to our babies 2 friend Daris and they both could share the snake for a while. Then we welcomed Liz and the other friends went back to their rooms so we could sit together and have some morning tea together.

After the morning tea we cleaned up our faces and had some free time outside. We all headed over to explore our yard. Everyone was so excited to investigate all the toys. Then Miss Vanessa got there with two trays full of easter eggs and some tape around and gave us a mission: try to rescue the eggs with a spoon. We loved it. We started to get all the eggs in a gentle way through the tapes, and after get them, we tried to open to see their insides. Was really fun. Sometimes we could find bunny stickers inside the eggs, so we stuck them to each other. Charlie loved the challenge and tried to do it with two spoons at the same time. Peyton thought about a quicker way to get the eggs: turn the whole trey upside down. Avery loved the opening part and liked to show miss Nessa every time she could open an egg, and Liz loved to take everything she could from the treys. Each one with your own preferences.

Then was time to have some free time outside. Peyton is enjoying her new skill of climbing and practices her abilities on the Giant blocks. Together with Avery, they climbed all the soft blocks. Meanwhile Liz was having heaps of fun with miss Nessa playing “peak – a – boo” behind the drying-coloured pillowcases,’ and Charlie kept herself ate the sensorial play all the time she could.

We washed our hands and sat down at the table waiting patiently. We had a delicious salmon for lunch and after Miss Mel putting some calming music and close the blinds, we were finally ready to go to sleep.

We will head back outside this afternoon if it’s not too hot for some bubble play!!!

Thank you for another wonderful day babies.

We will see you all very soon.

♥ Miss Vanessa and Miss Mel xoxoxo ♥