Hi beautiful families,
We have had so much fun today with water play outside we spent time learning about sinking and floating with the balls, popping them up out of the water brought lots of laughter, we played hide and go seek and we are continuing to practice our catching and throwing with the balls.
We were joined with Babies 2 and 1 for outside play this morning, we took time to sit down and be with the children on the floor. This gave them a chance to choose whether they wanted to be close as they settled or whether they wanted to wander and play with their friends.
We enjoyed watering the plants and tipping the water over ourselves and getting quite a surprise from the coolness!
We enjoyed playing in the sand with buckets and shovels, we did drawing with the pencils and pens, learning to choose what colour we like and changing them as often as we feel.
We enjoyed reading and singing nursery rhymes altogether as a group.
Everyone is settling in lovely today, we hope you have had a lovely day.
Miss Melinda and Miss Dominique