Good afternoon Families!

We started our morning playing outdoors, enjoying the sun. The children played in the sand pit loading the trucks with a sand. They also enjoyed to ride bikes and climbed on the obstacle courses.

After morning tea children played in the corner where the animals are, most popular at the moment are dinosaurs, they moved around the dinosaurs and make dinosaurs roar.

While they were playing nicely with dinosaurs we set up playdough play at the table and they all run to enjoy playdough experience. First they rolled playdough with the rollers then they used animals shapes to cut off animals and other shapes. It was so nice to see how much they are loving to manipulate with playdough and cutting their favorite shapes. Playdough is such a versatile material. It provides numerous benefits to children as they manipulate it, it is safe and soothing and provides children with a satisfying sensory experience. We will continue to provide more activities for the children where they can experience more playdough play.

After good sleep and rest our friends will enjoy play outdoors with their friends!

Love Miss Talia & Miss Jena xx