Hello families, welcome to Monday in Babies 3,
Today we welcomed Winston, Isla Parker, Jhye, Bella, Theo, Valencia, and Matthew with lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment. Our morning began in Babies two. Parker was engaged in play over at the dinosaur table. Winston and Bella were over in book corner laying on the pillows looking through books. Isla found a basket of blocks and began pulling them out one at a time until the basket was empty. Parker soon joined her friend Isla, and they then began placing the blocks back inside the basket.
We all excitedly entered our room, Winston, Bella, and Isla rushed over to the music table. Bella and Theo took turns of the drum while Winston made music with the xylophone. Isla was standing at the table clapping along to the music. Parker and Bella then began role playing with the dolls and in home corner while Jyhe and Isla were engaged in play over at the doll house.
We played a few of our favourite nursery rhymes as our babies engaged in play. When” Baby Shark” and “Sleeping Bunnies” came on our friends all began doing the actions an dancing together. Sharing joy and laughter.
It was time to wash our hands for morning tea. Miss Otavia sat at the table with our friends and began a name recognition song called “Bee, bee, bumble bee” Once each of our friends say (or attempt to say} their names they headed off to the bathroom where Miss Lara was waiting to assist them in the self-help skill of washing their hands. We have implemented this transition into our daily routine for all our mealtimes.
This week our focus in on Science week. This year the theme is Food. Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia have some exciting experiences planned.
Today is also Cupcake Day so we decided to combine the two today by making our own cupcakes. Each year, more than 124,000 animals turn to the RSPCA looking for help. Today we are whipping up some yummy cupcakes, the funds raised will help rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome animals in need all over the country.
We washed our hands and sat down at the table together, very curious, and excited to see what we were doing. Isla, Winston, Jhye, Theo, Bella, Matthew, Valencia, and Parker demonstrated their fine motor skills as they took turns adding all the ingredients and giving the mixture a stir. We were very proud of our babies as the waited so patiently for their turn. As our babies were mixing we spoke about creaming, in kitchen science, which means softening and blending things with the curved side of a large spoon. Once the mixture was all mixed together, we all then had a turn at scooping the mixture up and placing it inside the patties.
When our cupcakes are cooked, we will ice our own cupcake and add some yummy sprinkles and enjoy them for afternoon tea!! Yummy, we can’t wait!!!
After our activity we enjoyed free play outside, the balance beams were very popular today, Theo, Parker, Isla and Jhye and Bella loved climbing and demonstrating how clever we are at balancing. Valencia enjoyed crawling through the tunnel and Winston was scooting around the yard on a bike. Matthew enjoyed going up and down on the see saw.
It was time for yoga, we all gathered and practiced our stretching and breathing techniques while doing various posing. We always get so excited to see what fun things our instructor has planned for us.
Thank you for a wonderful Monday babies. Miss Melinda is so excited to be back with all her little friends who she missed so very much.
See you all very soon.
Miss Melinda, Miss Otavia and Miss Lara. xxxxxx