Happy Monday Dear families!
Today we welcomed our new friends that moved from other rooms. Rosie and Ruby are settling so well for their first day with us. Millie and Ruby become a very close friends, they love to play with each other. Ruby and Millie hop on the donkeys sharing laughs and giggles. Rosie, Millie and Ruby pretend to put the babies to sleep in the bed. Orion was playing in the corner looking through the coloured shapes.
The children enjoyed delicious morning tea feeding themselves. As soon as we finished our yummy fruit we went outdoors for a play. They choose pushing bikes and pushing trollies to push around. Millie and Ruby decided to practice their balance on the obstacle course and they did very good. Rosie was pushing bike making some noise like a real motor bike brmmm,brmm.
At our group time we drew with crayons and we talked about the colours. Abel said “Yellow”, then everyone tried to say yellow. They scribble and scribble manipulating very well with crayons.
After rest time we will do Mother’s Day craft.
Love Miss Shaneya & Miss Jelena xx