Hello families, welcome to Monday’s in Babies 3,
This morning we welcomed Isla, Valencia, Matthew, Bella, Jhye, Matthew, Parker, Franka and Shayaan with lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment. Today we officially welcome Shayaan and Franka into our Babies’ 3 Family. Today, Bella, Parker and Valencia will begin their transition into Toddlers 1.
We began our day today exploring inside the room. Franka, Parker, Bella and Valencia were using their imagination as they engaged in play with the dolls and in home corner, Isla was playing with the eggs, pulling them out of the carton and placing them back inside again. Parker was putting the dolly to bed; she joined her dolly by jumping in the dolls bed too. Valencia also spent time engaged in play over at the dolls house by moving the furniture around. This morning Theo, Jhye and Shayaan showed lots of interest in the fine motor activities. Jhye and Shayaan were demonstrating their hand/eye coordination pressing the levers down on the pop-up toy. Theo was pressing all the colours, Miss Otavia named the colours as Theo pressed each one.
We cleaned up our room to the “clean up song” and sat on the mat with Miss Otavia as it was time for morning tea. We sung ‘Bee, bee bumble bee”. As we said or tried our very best to say our names, we stood up one at a time to wash our hands and sit down for morning tea. Today we had Strawberry crostini with whipped vegan. For group time today we all sat around the table, while our morning tea was being served Miss Otavia sung open shut them, wheels on the bus and “twinkle, twinkle” The children were captivated and did a great job of singing along and doing the actions.
Parker is 2 today!!!!!! To celebrate we had a very special surprise. We were making cupcakes. We all sat around the table, taking turns, practicing our fine motor and hand/eye coordination as we added all the ingredients and mix it all together. We did so will at waiting our turn too. Once it was all mixed together, we helped miss Otavia pour it into the patties. We can’t wait to eat them later today!!! Happy Birthday Parkie, we can’t believe you are two!
After we made special cupcakes for Parker’s birthday, Bella, Parker, and Valencia headed over to Toddlers 1 for their first fun transition day! They will spend the rest of the day in Toddlers 1 and will head back to our room in the late afternoon for pick up. We are already missing them!
Activities enjoyed outside today were climbing and balancing on the climbing frames. Mowing the lawn, playing with the dump truck and digging and scooping up the sand in the sand pit. It was only a short play due to the wet weather. It was time to wash our hands for lunch and rest time. We sat on the mat with Miss Otavia to sing our transition song “bumble bee” s to take turns meeting Miss Mel in the bathroom where she was waiting to assist us washing our hands. We then walked over and sat at the table for our yummy lunch with Rainbow noodle Buddha bowl.
After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep with some soft relaxing music. For afternoon tea we had Chocolate beetroot brownies and our afternoon play was child led with outdoor experiences.
As the warmer weather is here, we thought we would enjoy some fun water-based activities this week. Could you please make sure you have a few changes of clothes in their bags! Thank you 😊
See you all very soon.
Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia xxxxx