Hello Families, welcome to Monday in Babies 3,

This morning we welcomed Winston, Parker, Valencia, Matthew, Jhye, Isla and Theo. As it was a beautiful morning outside and to help settle our friends Miss Otavia headed outside. We were all very excited to see the ball pit outside as we all had so much fun on Friday throwing and chasing the balls around our room. This morning was no different we all enjoyed mixing the balls around and around with our hands and throwing them up into the air and across the yard.

There was lots of exploring outside too. Jhye enjoyed building towers with the soft blocks and knocking them down again. Isla and Valencia sat in book corner looking though books together. Parker joined Jhye and they began climbing along the soft block obstacle course demonstrating their balancing skills. Winston filled a wheelbarrow with the balls and began wheeling it around the yard, picking up any balls he could see in his travels. Theo bounced on the donkey, smiling, and laughing with Mel. Matthew loved giving the baby dolls cuddles and he loved rolling the large black ball around the yard with his friend Winston. Theo, Winston, Valencia and Jhye also had turns on the bikes, practicing their gross motor as they pushed along using their leg muscles.

It was time to transition inside to wash our hands and enjoy some yummy morning tea. After morning tea, we enjoyed some free play while our educators were setting up an exciting Naidoc Week activity.

Jhye, Winston and Theo engaged in play with the dinosaurs, using their imaginations holding the dinosaurs up and letting our a big “ROAR!!” as they stomped them along the grass cube. Isla was in her favourite part of our room, home corner. Placing items in and out of the sink. Valencia, Theo and Jhye were patting the baby doll that was laying in the dolls bed. Valencia took the blanket off the dolly and then laid it out on top of her again. Jhye looked at Mel and said “shhhh” as dolly was sleeping.

Parker walked up to Mel and said “Shark, Shark?” Valencia joined in “Shark” Mel asked “would you like some music?” Parker repeated “Shark” Mel played shark and we all danced and twirled around the room doing the actions. After baby shark Mel played “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” and “Open, shut them” and we all did the actions together. Valencia, Matthew, Jhye, and Parker were giggling together.

While our friends were engaged in the activity we spoke about the meaning of the colours in the Flag. Red represents the red earth; Yellow represents the sun and Black represents the Aboriginal people of Australia.

In celebration of Naidoc week today Miss Mel planned a collage activity to create the Aboriginal Flag. Using Yellow, Black, and red paper and glue we all sat at the table together and demon starting our fine motor we began sticking down the assorted textured paper. Matthew, Jhye and Theo kept sticking their fingers together, fascinated by how sticky they were.

While our friends were engaged in the activity Miss Crystal spoke about the meaning of the colours in the Flag. Red represents the red earth; Yellow represents the sun and Black represents the Aboriginal people of Australia.

After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles as we drifted off to sleep on our mattress to some soft relaxing music

We will head back outside this afternoon, weather permitting to explore some more. Mel will bring the bubbles out for us to chase around the yard.

Thank you for a wonderful start to the week babies, we hope all our families had a wonderful weekend.

Apologies for no photos again. We are still unable to upload them to the blog. They will be located for viewing just outside our room. 

See you all very soon.

Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia and Miss Crystal xxx