Hello families, welcome to Thursday in Babie’s 3,
This morning we welcomed Winston, Isla, Bella, Parker, Daris, Olivia, Valencia and Matthew With lots of cuddles as they arrived in Babie’s 1 yard.
Once most of our friends arrived, we headed over to our yard as it was such a beautiful sunny morning, and our friends were enjoying exploring. Isla is loving playing in the sandpit, it took a while for Isla to get used to the funny texture of sand, not liking the feel of it on her feet and hands. Today she was picking up the sand and watching as it trickles out of her hands. Winston was scooting around on the bike while Olivia was pushing the fire truck around the yard. Olivia then jumped on the see saw with her friend parker “wee” Olivia said. Parker then decided to go and play on the slide. It wasn’t long before Olivia and Isla joined her, taking turns going up and down, Parker and Isla though it was funny to go down headfirst!! Bella was practicing her balancing skills on the balance beams. Our friends Daris and Valencia arrived with lots of cuddles. Valencia found a car and began driving it along the balance beams Daris needed extra cuddles this morning, we took him over to see his brother Denis for a cuddle.
Miss Otavia took all her friends over to book corner for story time. Using our best listening skills, we watched on as Otavia read the counting book. Counting all the different fruits on each page and attempting to count ourselves. We all sang “Bee, Bee, Bumble Bee” together. Once we said or attempted to say our own name, we hopped up to go meet Miss Lara in the bathroom to help assist us washing our hands for morning tea. Today we enjoyed pumpkin, chia and apple waffles.
While our friends were exploring the room Mel played some nursery rhymes over the speaker. We danced to Head, shoulders knees and toes”, “Wheels on the bus” and of course “Baby Shark” at Bella’s request.
After morning tea, it was time for child led experiences in our room. Daris and Bella sat over on the car mat zooming the cars up and over the car garage and ramp. Every time the car reached the bottom of the ramp, they both yelled “yay!!” Isla and Parker joined their friends, and they took turns pushing the cars down the ramp. Bella, Parker, Valencia, and Isla spent a lot of time in home corner role playing by pretending to cook. Bella picked up the baby’s bottle and placed it in the fridge. She then pulled it back out and again to feed her dolly. Daris and Winston found the carton of eggs pretended to eat them… mmm yummy eggs!! Daris also found the pretend Ice creams, he was walking around the room as he pretended to eat them.
Daris found the dinosaur puzzle, he rushed over and picked up a piece, holding it up to show Miss Mel, he began roaring like a dinosaur before using the trial-and-error method when attempting to place the dinosaur into the correct space. Matthew arrived for the day, after big cuddles with Miss Otavia Matthew sat quietly with the pop-up toy, concentrating as he pushed each one down until they all popped up again.
Continuing with National Science week today we had another exciting experiment using baking Soda, food colouring and vinegar. We were making rainbow volcanos!!
Miss Mel asked all her friends to sit at the table for a fun activity. Isla, Bella, Winston, Olivia, Daris, Matthew, Valencia and Parker all rushed over curious to what Mel had planned.
Mel brought out a tray with four colourful cups. There was a red, blue, yellow, and green cup full of baking soda and food colouring to match the colour of each cup. Placing the rainbow volcanos in the middle of our table, our babies watched on as Mel began pouring the vinegar into each cup. As Mel poured the cups began a fizzing bubbling action that we could hear and see. Our babies were so excited at what could see, there were lots of “wow’s” and laughter as we watched the colourful volcanos erupted, cascading colour all over the tray as the vinegar and baking soda mixed forming a gas called carbon dioxide which created the fizzing bubbling effect. Our babies enjoyed it so much we did it three times over!! What a fun science experiment.
After our experiment we all headed back outside. The sandpit, balance beams and soft block towers were very popular before it was time for another group time before lunch.
We all sat on the mat while Miss Otavia read the “Funny faces” book. This book is all about feelings. Each time Otavia turned the page we all showed our interpretation of a happy, sad, silly, and grumpy face. After the story we transitioned to washing our hands for lunch by singing “Bee, bee, bumble bee”. Today we had butter chicken with turmeric rice.
After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep to some soft relaxing music
Our afternoon play was child led with outdoor experiences.
Book Week – theme: around the world. Next week is about bringing children and books together across Australia. It’ll be a fun week of dress-ups, activities, and all things books. The children are invited to come dressed as their favourite book character
See you all very soon.
Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia xxxxxx