Hello families, welcome to Thursday in babies 3,
Today we welcomed Winston, Olivia, Daris, Isla, Parker, Matthew, Valencia, and today our friend Olive joined us too!! We shared lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment.
Our morning began in our room with our friends from Babie’s 1 and 2 until more friends arrived. Olive was pretending to take photos with the toy camera “Cheese” she said as Miss Tati smiled for the photo and Winston was happily looking through books. Parker, Daris, and Olivia arrived and we all head outside to explore.
Olivia and Parker held hands and began singing ring a ring a rosie, giggling and laughing as they fell to the ground. Daris and Winston sat over in book corner and began looking through assorted books. Olivia and Parker joined their friends when Valencia arrived. She also sat looking through a variety of different stories. Daris and Olive then had a game of bowling using the sensory bottles and knocking them down with the balls. Matthew arrived and began building towers with the soft blocks, his friends soon joined in and they all began climbing and tumbling over the soft blocks, giggling as they rolled around. Isla was enjoyed the slide, climbing up and sliding down she also had fun pushing the lawn mower around the yard. Parker, Winston and Daris were enjoying lots of cuddles with Miss Mel when she arrived this morning. Winston then began pushing the dump truck around the yard before deciding he would push it down the slide. Parker and Daris were laughing. Valencia and Olivia also had a turn of pushing it down the slide and Winston caught it at the bottom. He passed it back to his friends and it turned into a game. Matthew was enjoyed throwing and kicking the yellow soccer ball around the yard.
It was time to head back inside, pack away our toys to the clean up song and wash our hands for morning tea. This morning we had rice crackers and fresh fruit.
As some of our friends were finishing up their morning tea Valencia and olive sat with the pop-up toy, demonstrating their fine motor as the pushed the levers down and pressed the buttons to pop them back up again. Doing a wonderful job at taking turns.his morning we had
Continuing our Father’s Day secret craft for our daddy’s / Granddad’s today. Winston, Valencia, Matthew and Daris took turns to sit with Miss Mel inside while our friends explored their outside environment. Shhh it’s a secret but we had so much fun making it and can’t wait to give it to our daddies on Friday.
As we were walking outside Olivia was interested in the dress up basket and pulled out the teddy bear ears, to extend on her interest we brought all the dress ups outside with us. All our friends were excited. Daris wanted to be a Doctor, Winston chose the tradesman’s vest, Oliva popped on the black tutu which went beautifully with the teddy bear ears. Valencia found another pair of teddy bear eyes, a superhero cape all while carrying the Doctors bag!! Very inventive Valencia!! Matthew became a superhero too, Olive a fire chief and Parkie became a beautiful princess. When Isla walked out, she picked up the pretty pink tutu, fluffy the tutu and pulling at it. We all looked amazing. Daris was role playing with the stethoscope and holding it up to his educator’s chest, making sure we weren’t sick. Parker and Olivia wer4 spinning around an around in their pretty dresses. Winston and Olive swapped outfits and Winston was now the fire chief. He started pointing over at the bikes, running over he began pushing the fire truck!!! Aww Winny you are off to put out some fires!
We all began exploring the yard in our dress ups, we took turns playing in the toddler yard with Miss Lauren and some of our Toddler friends. Daris just loved playing with the soccer ball and kicking it into the net, Olivia and Olive were practicing their balancing skills over on the balance beam. Matthew was enjoying climbing over the A Frame in our yard, up and over he went show us how clever and strong he is. Isla was using the empty basket from the dress ups and collecting the small balls inside, she would then tip them out and place them back in again. Parker, Olive and Valencia also enjoyed a game of chasing each other around the yard, laughing and giggling to one another.
It was time to clean up for lunch. We sat by the door with Miss Danica for the bumble bee song to wash our hands where miss Otavia was waiting to assist us while washing our hands. We then walked over and sat down for our yummy lunch. Today we enjoyed butter chicken with turmeric rice.
After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep to some soft relaxing music.
Our afternoon play was child led with outdoor experiences.
Thankyou for a wonderful Thursday babies’. We had so much fun watching as you were transforming into a different characters while playing dress ups,
Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia. xxx
P:S: Photos are still now working, you will find them printed next to the daily program just outside our room on the left hand side, apologies as we know how much our families love seeing your babies photos of their day at daycare. xx