Hello families, welcome to Thursday in Babies 3,
This morning we welcomed Isla, Valencia, Matthew, Bella, Grayson, Dorijan, Parker, Olivia, Oskar and Franka with lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment.
Today, Bella, Parker, Olivia, and Valencia headed over to Toddlers 1 for another transition day and we welcomed Oskar from Babies 2 and Grayson from Babies 1. This is Grayson’s first full day with us in babies’ 3. He enjoyed exploring the room and interacting with his new friends, we shared lots of cuddles today. Grayson was happy and content in his new learning environment and slept on the big boy mattresses, drifting off to sleep as Miss Mel sat beside him, patting him to help him feel safe and secure. Oskar is also settling in amazingly; he is familiar with both Miss Otavia and Miss Mel and is very content in his new room.
As it was a wet rainy morning we began our day inside the room exploring our toys of interest. Grayson, Matthew, Franka, Daris and Oskar were playing in the dolls house. Isla was over in the dolls bed, climbing in and out. Both Isla and Oskar were using their imaginations with the toy telephone, holding it up to their ear and chatting away. Home corner was also very popular. Our friends love role playing with the pots, pans and placing the food on plates and washing the fruit and veggies in the sink.
Isla, Grayson, Franka, Oskar, Dorijan, Daris and Matthew were engaged with a variety of fine motor activities. The ring stacker was popular, this is a great way for our babies to practice taking turns and is also great for helping develop their hand/eye coordination and concentration skills. They were also engaged with the spinning toy, using the trial-and-error method as they tried their very best to slide the disc on top. Our favourite part is watching as the colourful discs spinning around and around till they reach the bottom. Grayson also loves the pop-up toy, passing it to Miss Mel to assist him in popping the animals back up after he has pushed them all down. Miss Otavia brought a new toy into the room this morning. It was a shape sorter. Matthew, Oskar and Daris were engaged in play as they placed the assorted shapes into the correct spaces.
We all sat on the mat with Miss Otavia as it was time for morning tea. We sung ‘Bee, bee bumble bee”. As we said or tried our very best to say our names, we stood up one at a time to wash our hands and sit down for morning tea, today we enjoyed magic Breaky Muffins.
As it was still wet outside, we decided to bring the slide inside for our babies to exert some energy. We were all very excited when we realised the slide was coming inside. Miss Mel sat with our friends and encouraged them to take turns and to use the stairs and not to climb up the slide. We also spoke about how we don’t push our friends. We all got the hang of waiting for our turn and shared laughter ands fun together as we slid down. Grayson was a little unsure at first, reaching out for his educators for reassurance however it didn’t take long, and his confidence built, and he was climbing up and sliding down all by himself. Daris thought it was funny to crawl under the slide which turned into a game of peek a boo. Dorijan, Isla, Grayson, Oskar and Daris then turned it into a game which led to our friends chasing each other around the couch, giggling and saying “boo!”.
We had so much fun, and it was a lovely day inside as we all bonded together and have begun to get to know one another and form bonds together.
Our group time began on the mat with Miss Mel, demonstrating our best listening skills as Mel sung some of our favourite nursery rhymes. Franka, Matthew and Daris were doing the actions. Oskar and Dorijan wanted to dance, and Isla and Grayson sat on Mel’s lap,
As our friends were showing interest in dancing Miss Otavia put on Sleeping Bunnies, Daris, Matthew and Isla showed our new friends the actions and we all fell asleep just like the bunnies, then bouncing up and hopping around the room. Grayson and Dorijan began to join it. We then played baby shark, Franka was doing the moves and having a little boogie. Daris, Matthew and Oskar loved racing to the door when the song said to run away!! We shared lots of laughter, joy and giggles together before it was time to sit back down on the mat for our transition song.
Once our friends were all sitting down Miss Mel began to sing “Bumble bee” this is a name recognition song. Once we said or attempted to say our name, we took turns meeting Miss Otavia in the bathroom where she was waiting to assist us washing our hands for lunch time. We then walked over and sat at the table for our yummy lunch, today we enjoyed crispy potato rosti and vegie pom poms.
After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep to some soft relaxing music. Our afternoon play was child led with outdoor experiences.
Apologies as we are still having technical difficulties uploading photos, you will find our photos printed out next to the daily program on the left hand side, next to our door.
Just a friendly reminder, please pack a few sets of clothes for your children as we are limited with spare clothes here at day-care and a jumper as the afternoons are still cool 😊 Thank you
Thank you for a wonderful day babies, see you all very soon.
Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia. xxxxxxx