Hello families, welcome Tuesday in Babies’ 3,
Today we welcomed Winston, Olivia, Daris, Isla, Parker, Matthew, Valencia and Bella. We shared lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment.
Our morning began by exploring our outside environment. The slide is always popular between our friends. Everyone likes to have turn to climbing up and sliding down in different ways. We also enjoyed this morning to play with hula hoop, balls and step boards. It was time to head inside, wash our hands and enjoy our delicious morning tea with Magic Breaky Muffins.
Once our tummies were full and we were all clean it was time to explore our room with toys of choice while some of our friends were working on Are you ok? Day. Bella picked up a doll, sat it in the highchair then picked up a plate and a bottle and began feeding the doll. Parker handed to Miss Otavia one of the pretend ice creams, mmmm yummy thank you Bella. Bella pretended to eat hers too “yummy: she said. Olivia was interested in the dress up basket and pulled out everything. Winston and Matthew liked the idea. Matthew chose the tradesman’s vest, Oliva popped on the black tutu then she decided to be a hero and Winston became a fireman. Daris also had his turn to become a fireman. Valencia was over the phone talking to her parents. Parker and Isla took turns on the spinning toy. Demonstrated their hand/eye coordination and concentration skills as they placed each coloured ring on top, watching each one spin around and around till it reached the bottom. Winston, Matthew and Daris also took turn on the spinning toy.
Bella yelled “Baby Shark!” All our friends rushing over, and we all danced and did the actions to baby shark together. Parker requested “Sleeping Bunnies” and we all laid down, sleeping like the bunnies and then we all woke up, bouncing around the room. Then Miss Otavia played “Wheels on the bus” and Winston grabbed a chair, put on the mat and sat down. Parker did the same just in front of him then Bella, Olivia, Matthew and Valencia did all the same began setting all our chairs in a line (just like a bus) our friends were very excited. We always love dancing, sharing giggles and fun together.
To extend on R U Okay day and our book about feelings we did some painting! The children used red paint to express feeling angry, blue paint to express feeling sad and yellow paint to express feeling happy. Although we spoke to the children about what the different colours represented, I think the children picked their colours based off which colours they liked the look of best. Parker, Bella, Valencia and Isla used their paintbrushes in circular motions on the paper. Winston, Matthew, Olivia and Daris used their paintbrushes in dabbing motions instead. The children were all excited when it was their turn to paint. Before we all get ready for lunch we headed outside for a little play and story time.
For R U Okay day, we read a book about feelings. The book showed what our faces look like when we are feeling certain emotions. As Miss Lauren read through the book, she asked the children to make the same faces as the ones in the pictures. Together we made a sad, happy, surprised and angry face. The children were great at copying the expressions. In an age-appropriate way, we then spoke about how different emotions make us feel. As a transition for our lunch Miss Lauren sang “bumble bee” song to wash our hands where Miss Danica was waiting to assist us while washing our hands. We then walked over and sat down for our yummy lunch Crispy Potato Rosti and Vegie Pom Poms.
After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep to some soft relaxing music. After we relaxed our bodies, we will be enjoying our afternoon tea with Fresh Apple, Pear and Raspberry Compote then our afternoon play is child led with outdoor experiences.
FRIDAY 10TH SEPTEMBER WHITE BALLOON DAY – wear white today and raise funds to help towards child protection.
PS: We are having trouble uploading photos. They will be printed out and put on the wall just next to Babie’s 3 door on the left hand side.
Miss Otavia and Miss Denise. xxxxx