07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Happy Tuesday everyone, and for some of you welcome to another wonderful week in Babies 3. Today we welcomed oiur friend Ariana from our Babies 2 room, who joined us for a transition visit, she settled in so well with all of her friends today.

This morning during our play the children were feeling adventurous as we ventured into the big open space in the outdoor yard. Intially the children loved running around in the big space, with lots of laughter and giggles to be had. Miss Emma came to join us during our play this morning so Miss Jena could write some wonderful stories about the learning that has been happening in the room. In the big space as the children were eager to explore Miss Emma and Miss Talia set up some climbing obstacles which encouraged the children to explore, build their confidence, and explore the concept of patience which is very tricky at this age, as they made their way over the bridges. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the obstacles repeating the obstacle over and over. Some of our friends tried crawling and climbing through the sides, this proved tricky in some of the smaller spaces. This was a wonderful opportunity to be persistent and test out their problem solving skills. Other physical skills we explored and experiemented with were rolling, it was great to see the children trying to copy Miss Emma as she demonstrated to the children.  After buring lots of energy the children were indicating that they were wanting to move inside, we took this opportunity to get hydrated and have a big drink of water. The children then had the opportunity to explore either indoors or outdoors. Most children decided that they would like to come back outside, particulary to explore in the sandipit, build with the blocks and ride on the ride along cows.

This afternoon the children will once again have the opportunity to explore both the indoor and outdoor environment, where the children will be able to draw, explore puzzles, and further build on their physical skills.

Have a fabulous afternoon.