Hello families, welcome Tuesday in Babies’ 3,
This morning we welcomed Isla, Bella, Parker, Adeleine, Jhye, Valencia, Matthew and Winston with lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment. Today Winston spent time with us this morning however he will be spending the remainder of the day in Toddlers 1 for another fun transition day as he enjoyed yesterday so much and settled in well.
Our morning began inside, as some of us were busy getting our special photo’s taken, the rest of us were ready to explore our room. We were very excited to see a tea party set up at the table with all our dolls and teddy bears. Winston, Parker, Jhye, Bella began role play by feeding the play food to the babies and pretending to feed themselves too. Adeleine was over in-home corner playing with the pots and pans, her friend Isla joined her, they then took turns chatting on the phone. Valencia also had a turn using the phone, she kept hanging up and picking the phone up again over and over. Winston was walking around the room holding the mobile phone up to his ear. Miss Mel asked Winston if he was talking to mummy? He replied “Daddy”. Bella enjoyed using her imagination with a small bowl and dolls. Bella and Parker were also having fun giggling at their reflections, pulling faces, and laughing at one another. While her friends were enjoying the tea party Isla sat down on the floor with the Spinning Toy, using her concentration and fine motor as she placed each ring on top to watch it spin all the way to the bottom. Later her friends Jhye and Matthew joined her and we practiced taking turns. Winston grabbed the Thomas the tank off the shelf and a carriage, using his fine motor and the trial-and-error method Winston placed the carriage onto the back of Thomas, then using his imagination he placed animals into the carriage and began pushing Thomas around the room. Adeleine joined in and also added animals to the carriage.
We all sat together on the mat to sing our transition song ‘Bee, bee bumble bee”. As we said or tried our very best to say our names, we washed our hands and sat down for morning tea. Today we had Make my own Banana Split. After morning tea, we said goodbye to Winston and welcomed Dorijan and Franka for a transition play. We gave Dorijan and Franka big cuddles, we are so excited to have you with us and look forward to you joining our Babies 3 family.
Today our focus is to help our newest friends to feel safe, secure and supported with their new friends and educators, so we all headed outside for some free play to help them settle into their learning environment. We had lots of fun with the soft blocks this morning, stacking them up on top of the sandpit and knocking them down again. Franka loves climbing, she was busy demonstrating the strength in her arms and legs climbing up and the A Frame. She also loved pushing the mower around the yard. Dorijan also enjoyed climbing back and forth over the wooden bridge. Parker and Isla were enjoying a game of peek a boo peeking out from behind the pillars, Jhye joined in too!!! There was lots of laughter and giggles. Jhye then joined his friends Matthew and Valencia who were playing on the slide and seesaw.
It was time to all sat down outside in book corner to listen to a story. Today Miss Otavia read “Rossie’s Walk” We all demonstrated our best listening skills as we showed our new friends how to sit and use our “listening ears” as Miss Otavia began to read. Just before we transitioned to lunch, we gave our new friends cuddles and said goodbye as they headed back to Babies’ 1. See you both soon. We stayed on the mat to our transition song ‘Bee, bee bumble bee”. As we said or tried our very best to say our names, we washed our hands. For lunch we enjoyed a Superhero Spelt Pizza Rolls.
After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep with some soft relaxing music. Our afternoon play was child led with outdoor experiences after we enjoy Organic Apple, Cranberry and White Bean Crumble Bars for afternoon tea.
As the warmer weather is here, we thought we would enjoy some fun water-based activities next week. Could you please make sure you have a few changes of clothes in their bags! Thank you 😊
Thank you for a wonderful day babies!!
PS: We are having trouble uploading photos. They will be printed out and put on the wall just next to Babie’s 3 door on the left hand side.
Miss Melinda and Miss Otavia. xxxxx