•Tuesday FUN DAY•

Hello and welcome family and friends to our day here in the Babies 3 room with Miss Jess!

This morning your little munchkins were greeted by Miss Jess who is a familiar face to some of our friends here in the Babies 3 room as she has worked alongside Miss Kate in the Babies 1 room last year. ♥

We decided to have our delicious morning tea with our friends from next door (Babies 1) that was a really nice way to start our morning off. After morning tea Miss Jess helped Miss Kate tidy up before Millie, Orion, Poppy and Alia headed back to their room to have so much fun painting with some of the colours that matched Poppies rainbow dress! With the interest that Poppy shared about her rainbow there was no better way to extend on that than to do some pretty paintings using some of the colours that matched Poppies rainbow! They ALL LOVED painting away their beautiful master pieces as their paintbrush hit the paper. Painting is a great way to spark creativity it also enhances on the childs fine motor skill as they move their paintbrush around with their wrist, arm and hand to create their picture.

After our exiting time with art we all headed outside for a great big morning play in the fresh and breezy air.

Millie, Orion, Poppy and Alia all set off on a race as they zoomed back and forward on their little cow bikes or the zebra push along walkers!! SO many laughs and smiles boomed from their bodies to share with all. Miss Jess then set a little challenge to see who could balance on the balancing beams!! They were eager to show Miss Jess that they could DO IT!! Millie and Alia balanced so well and they were so proud of themselves as well as Orion and Poppy. Our little friends found the babies, tent hut and the bubbles to be enjoyable too while they were adventuring around their yard this sunny morning.

Soon enough it was ready to head inside to cool down before we had lunch.

Miss Jess sang some songs such as “Twinkle Twinkle” “Tiny Turtle” and “Miss Polly had a Dolly” all children responded well to these songs as they clapped and cheered at the end of each one. To continue on with our colours from this morning Miss Jess read a book about different colours, they all seemed to enjoy this book!

It was then time for our friends to have their scrumptious lunch before they rested their bodies and reenergized for this afternoons journey of fun.

This afternoon all children woke with such calm and beautiful energy ready for this afternoons adventure in the great outdoors amongst their friends and teacher.

Thank you Babies 3 for today it truly has been so lovely♥

Have a lovely afternoon.

Miss Jess xx