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Hello Families, Welcome to Tuesday in Babie’s 3,

Today we welcomed Isla, Winston, Parker, Valencia, Matthew, Adeleine and Jhye with lots of cuddles as they settled in for the morning.

This morning Isla headed straight over to home corner. She was pretending to eat the food inside the pan then she starts playing the vegetables and fruits taking them all out of the basket. Adeleine and Winston was more interested in reading the books that was on the mat. Jhye spent some time on the table playing with the Wooden see through the shapes. He was placing it in front of his eyes and looking at Miss Otavia and laughing. Miss Otavia took one of the shapes and did the same. He was enjoying a lot. Parker and Adeleine were engaged in imaginary play over the dolls corner. Talking on the phone and feeding the dolls with a bottle. Parker also engaged with the musical instruments. After we enjoy our delicious morning tea with Apple, chia and date pancakes we all headed outside to explore the environment.

Today we started some exciting activities related to “Early Learning Matters” week. The planned activity today was related to transporting and we did together with our friends from Babies 2. Miss Otavia and Miss Hansani set up a circuit where the children were encouraged to transport different materials from one place to another.  The activity was set up in the yard with a sensory tray with colourful rice, wheelbarrows, and another black empty sensory play. We encouraged children to scoop the rice into the wheelbarrows and push it to the big black tray and tip it out. That was such an interesting experience. Jhye and Matthew chose to take the rice with their hands and put it into the spoon. Isla demonstrated her gross motor skills walking while pushing the wheelbarrows. The children had a great time! We had so much fun. Well done everybody!

After that, we had our free play time! Adeleine enjoyed playing in the tunnel. Matthew had so much fun playing with Winston at the slide. We also watched the big truck from Woolworths coming to the Center to deliver some yummy food for us.

Before we headed back to our room, we did our group time. Miss Otavia read “5 Big and busy trucks” and “That’s not my tractor”. They love to listen to the stories, and they get very excited when they can touch it and feel the different texture on it.

After we finished the story, we sang and did the action to one of our favourite nursery rhymes “row, row, row your boat”. Isla was very happy dancing with Miss Otavia then she did the boat with her friend Parker and Matthew.

Finally, it was time for our lunch and bottles as we drifted off to sleep on our mattress to some soft relaxing music.

We will continue experimenting different activities for “Early Learning Matters” week.

Thank for today babies, we will see you all again very soon.

Miss Otavia and Miss Lara. xxxxxx