07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hi parents and family of Babies 3,

It’s been so lovely catching you either in the mornings or afternoons for a quick hello and conversation while we can! If there’s anything that you need to pass on we have a communication book out in the foyer just near the sign in area. We would love to hear about what your little ones are doing at home as well, as it helps with the transition here.

If you have any photos you would like to add to the family tree please bring them in as it is such a special time for the children at meal time to see you all on the wall.

As you can see from the photos we have spent time outdoors doing water play, singing songs on the see-saw, practicing our catching and throwing with the balls, and indoors we enjoyed group time with Miss Mel, singing our favourite songs and reading together.

Liz really enjoyed playing with the bubbles today and playing hide and seek behind the couch, Peyton loved to draw in the morning with the pencils and textas, Charlie is absolutely in love with the babies, she was rocking them to sleep today, Avery really loved playing on the see saw today.

We hope you had a lovely day too, we have had a mix up with the balnkets/sheets for rest time, if you haven’t already can you please label your child’s name on their rest time blankets, if you can double check that you have been sent home with the right sheets that would be amazing as we are tracking down Charlie’s sheets.

Thank you for everything, see you soon.

Miss Dominique and MIss Mel