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Hello families, welcome Wednesday in Babies’ 3,

This morning we welcomed Isla, Bella, Parker, Adeleine, Valencia, Olivia, Matthew, and Winston with lots of cuddles as they settled into their learning environment. Today Winston spent time with us in the morning however he will be spending the remainder of the day in Toddlers 1 for another fun transition day. Today we welcome a new friend, Shayaan for his first transition day.

Our morning began exploring our outside environment. Olivia was very busy this morning knocking down the soft blocks, climbing the ramps and having fun on the seesaw. Bella and Valencia were also enjoying running across the soft ramps. Bella then mowed the lawns and watered our plants. Our friend Matthew arrived, and Parker, Olivia and Valencia rushed over to say hi and share cuddles. Matthew then began climbing over the wooden bridge. Isla sat with Mel, and we looked through books together on the mat.

We all sat together by the door to sing our transition song ‘Bee, bee bumble bee”. As we said or tried our very best to say our names, we stood up one at a time to wash our hands and sit down for morning tea. Today we had Rawsome Avocado Chocolate Slice. After morning tea, we said goodbye to Winston and welcomed Shayaan for a transition play. We gave Shayaan big cuddles, we are so excited to have you with us and look forward to you joining our Babies 3 family.

Once we were cleaned up we enjoyed toys of choice, Adeleine spent most her time in home corner and playing with the baby dolls. Shayaan was happily playing with the chairs, sitting in, and getting back out again, sharing cheeky smiles with his new educators. Miss Mel offered Shayaan a drink. Bella sat down with one of her favourite things to do, mixing. Using a toy spoon and a cup she was stirring around and around. Matthew was busy talking on the phone before joining his new friend Shayaan over at the doll house. Olivia was pretending to be a doctor, holding the stethoscope up to her ears. Isla’s interest the last week has been using her fine motor with the spinning toy. Her friends Valencia, Winston and Olivia joined their friends and we practice sharing and taking turns as they all demonstrated amazing hand/eye coordination and concentration skills.

Today we are celebrating International Dot Day inspired by Peter H Reynolds book “The Dot”. Helping children trust in their own abilities by being brave enough to make their mark. Discovering the power of open minds and creativity. What starts as just a dot, could turn into anything their imagination desires

To extend on Dot Day Miss Mel invited us to sit around the table for a fun activity. First, she read a book called “The Dot”. Using our best listening and concentration as Mel rea along. After the story Mel provided paper, cotton buds, cotton balls and some colourful paint. We all took turns choosing a colour of choice and dipping our cotton buds into the paint. Parker, Shayaan, Olivia, Matthew, Isla, Bella, Valencia and Adeleine enjoyed dipping their cotton buds into the paint and what began as dots turned into swirls and finger painting. The dots turned into colourful masterpieces

We sat by the door with Miss Mel for the “bumble bee” song to wash our hands where Miss Jessica was waiting to assist us while washing our hands. We then walked over and sat down for our yummy lunch with Moreish Italiana Mushroom, Ricotta, Spinach lasagne.

After we finished our lunch some of us enjoyed our bottles on the pillows before laying on our mattress, drifting off to sleep to some soft relaxing music. After we relaxed our bodies, we will be enjoying our afternoon tea with Sweet Pea and Smashed Avocado Dip with Pita Crispies then our afternoon play is child led with outdoor experiences.

As the warmer weather is here, we thought we would enjoy some fun water-based activities next week. We thought this would be a lovely fun way to help our new friends transitioning into our class.  Could you please make sure you have a few changes of clothes in their bags! Thank you. 😊

PS: We are having trouble uploading photos. They will be printed out and put on the wall just next to Babies’ 3 door on the left hand side. 

Miss Mel and Miss Otavia. xxxxx